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Check Your Compass


It is important to have the proper perspective for your journey.


Some schools don’t require the ACT for admission (although many scholarships do require either the ACT or the SAT)


The entirety of your future does not depend on this test.  Have you bought into the idea that it does? Your life will NOT rise and fall by this test.  It is one test.  Not the whole picture. And it just simply does not have that much power over you.  You are much more than 1 test score.  Don’t get bogged down here.


You can take the ACT more than once. Many people take it more than once. Everyone can have an “off” day on test day.


Introduce “Stinkin’ Thinkin’” activity

In your course journal – write down at least one thing you want to be sure you remember to keep this exam in the proper perspective. Complete the “Stinkin’ Thinkin’” activity. Really give this some thought.